Why are reviews so important to us?
At AnyVan, we are on a mission to maintain our spot as the market leader, and this is only made possible through your feedback and reviews.
But our work doesn’t stop there.
People turn to us for help with what can be an exciting, but sometimes stressful day, ranging from moving into their first home to delivering a new car.
And, with a community of over eight million customers posting over 50,000 jobs each month, how can you be sure you've come to the right place? What sets us apart from the competition?
From instant pricing to dedicated support and live driver tracking, we streamline the delivery process from start to finish, offering you the easiest, most environmentally friendly way to move your items from Point A to Point B.
We pride ourselves on being the smartest way to move.
To guarantee your journey continues to meet the expectations we set ourselves, we ask that everyone who uses our service rates their experience.