Stay cool and be prepared for a stress-free ‘move day’

March 25, 2010

Home//Saving Money on Your Big Move/Stay cool and be prepared for a stress-free ‘move day’

As Easter approaches, more and more people are thinking about whether now is a good time to make the move - before the house-market really picks up.  But with that new-found confidence surfaces an under-lying fear of the actual physical activity of moving house.

Sometimes it is the simplest of things that we lose our heads over and moving house is one of them: causing migraines and all sorts of un-wanted stress reactions for some.

Being prepared may seem like an old scout’s moto – but it can really help settle the nerves that everything will run smoothly before, during and after the big day.

The property savvy has produced a fail-proof kit that will stop anything going wrong: and it starts with a big hearty breakfast! That’s right, you will need as much energy as your body can contemplate during the move – so switch off, have a cuppa and why not take a gander at the latest headlines in your morning paper.

Once you’ve finished relaxing, time to get ready for the practical stuff: switch off  the fridge and any other electrical appliances that you’re leaving behind; round up all the bedding into bin bags – and keep them handy for a nap in the car.

Once you’re prepped and ready to transfer yourself and family into the car – first on the list, according to is not forgetting your new house keys:

“Turning up at your new home without any keys is not very clever.”

Next on the check-list: make sure any medication that you might need (even if there is the slightest chance) is accessible. Check.  Directions for everyone who are helping you move (and test the sat nav is working before you set off) – check. On this point: ensure your mobile charger is in the front with you, in the car – and if you’re really efficient you’ll pre-programme the number of your estate agent; moving men and helpers to save you time and stress.

Some good things to have for when-you-get-there: a TV remote control (so the kid’s can be distracted whilst you manically start the un-packing); fresh food for the fridge; a kettle (so you can momentarily switch-off from the mess engulfing you) and lots of snacks. You’ll need the maximum amount of cutlery essentials that you can manage – with particular emphasis on the bottle opener and tin-opener. Cleaning products are also a very good idea.

Of course once you arrive at your new habitat, that’s when the chaos really ensues – where on earth is the moving van? Why is he not answering his phone? What kind of state will my precious plates be once/ if they do finally arrive at the correct destination?

But relax, you needn’t have worried.

Two weeks ago a friend recommended that you use the delivery auction site,  to search for feedback from customers to source a reputable and trust-worthy delivery van you can use and receive a free moving quote. You had a great experience then (you saved £100’s compared to standard quotes)  and now your delivery vehicle is sitting in your new driveway as you pull up – ready and waiting to help you move your items carefully into your new house.

Who said that moving house was a nightmare?