Why moving home from uni is the best and worst thing ever

April 29, 2015

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With the uni year winding to a close, it’s nearly time for many students to start heading home. Dissertations and assignments are being handed in, and in the midst of revising for exam season the one thing on your mind is probably getting out and enjoying the sun and a relaxing summer back home!

For most, the anticipation of moving back home and spending time with family and friends is what drives them through exams stress, but is going home for the summer all it’s cracked up to be?

Here are 8 reasons why it is and it isn’t.


The cooking and cleaning services of mum and dad

After being away from home for sometime, chances are you’ll get some sympathy off your parents, for the first few weeks at least! So say goodbye to the pains of washing clothes and plates, and say hello to something other than pasta for dinner 6 days a week!

Summer Plans

You’ve probably spent some time planning festivals and holidays away, and now those dates you booked well in advance are just around the corner! Getting out of the country and spending good quality time with friends is what summer is all about right?


When you moved away for uni, chances are some of your friends went to uni elsewhere, whilst some may have stayed home. During the year you may have found it hard to meet up due to other commitments, but the summer back at home gives you plenty of time to catch up.

Goodbye Rent

Being at home gives you the chance to save some much needed money, as chances are you won’t be paying rent. These extra finances can be used to fund holidays, or to start saving for anything you may want to do in future.


Getting all your stuff back home

It’s all well and good having mum or dad taking care of your dirty laundry when you get home, but you’ll need to transport your stuff back first. Lugging it on the train or the coach may seem like the cheapest option, but it’s also an absolute nightmare. Removal companies will be too pricey and chances are you won’t need all that space anyway. Instead, consider hiring a man and van or student courier (here) for a cheap and easy transport solution.

For more student packing tips, click here

Finding space for all your stuff

At the time you may not notice, but 9 times out of 10 you’ll move back home with more stuff than you left with. Having a good old fashioned clear out before leaving may help, but once you’ve managed to get your stuff back home you’ll still need to find space for it all.

If you’ve got things you feel you can sell, consider sticking them online and getting an eBay courier to deliver the more heavier things.

Missing your flat and housemates

As we’ve recently covered living in halls can be great, but living back at home is a far cry from this. Although you may have siblings, this may not compare with the buddies you’ve made and lived with during your adventures away from home. As much as it may have annoyed you when certain people didn’t wash dishes, or clean the kitchen you may quickly find that you miss them more than initially anticipated.


There’s a decree of freedom, which comes with living at uni, a factor which many don’t realise until they’ve experienced both worlds. If you’ve been living away for the past 2 or 3 years you’ll definitely notice the difference and it’ll be something that takes a while to readjust to.